Bladder diary
This is a tool to record how much liquid you drink, how often you urinate, and how frequently you experience urinary incontinence symptoms. When completed for at least three days, it can be shared with a healthcare professional to help reach an accurate diagnosis.
Below you can find a downloadable bladder diary provided by the Continence Foundation of Australia. You can also visit their website for further resources.
Bowel diary
This is a tool to record how much liquid you drink, how often you pass stools, and how frequently you experience faecal incontinence symptoms. When completed for one week, it can be shared with a healthcare professional to help reach an accurate diagnosis.
Below you can find a downloadable bowel diary provided by the Continence Foundation of Australia. You can also visit their website for further resources.
Supporting infographics
Found one of the infographics on the website useful? Download it here! Stick it on the fridge, share it with friends and family – whatever helps you to better manage your incontinence.