Interesting lecture

Facing Pelvic Pain, a book written by Elise J.B. De

WFIPP would like to bring to your attention the publication in 2021 of the booked called “Facing Pelvic Pain”. The book is written by an eminent and well respected young Urologist Elise J.B. De, MD, practising in Boston, USA and Theodore A. Stern, MD, Professor of Psychiatry in the field of Psychosomatic Medicine/Consultation. The book is written to fill the many gaps that exist for patients and their family having to deal with Chronic Pelvic Pain. It is an excellent practical guide easily understandable for patients and their families.

As they have progressed in their careers, Elise trained as a pelvic reconstructive surgeon, and Ted trained as a psychiatrist, they realized how vital a role pain – and understanding one’s own diagnosis – can have in quality of life. 

Pelvic pain can be caused by hundreds of different pathologies – often with more than one organ system contributing. People may see a urologist when they need a neurosurgeon, or a doctor who decides the pain is not real because a cause is not found. 

In their care of their patients, they have created alliances with colleagues across all the specialties and helped those with even the most complex diagnoses. Sometimes the answer is simple, for example, pelvic floor muscle tightness. Sometimes there are layers of pain best helped through a multidisciplinary approach. In this book they have joined forces with many of their favorite collaborators – 45 specialists in 18 fields – to teach people with pelvic pain what might be wrong, whom to see, how to ask the right questions in a medical visit, and how to improve pain.​ Click Here for the Video Transcript.

WFIPP would like to recommend the book which is available at very low cost (e.g. Kindle edition € 8,25).

Please also visit the corresponding websites which give a wealth of robust and practical information for anyone with an interest in Chronic Pelvic Pain.

1) The continence product advisor website is:

2) The website of Elise De is:

For your website it might be nice for patients to organize content according to condition. “Learn More about Urinary Incontinence” with links to websites, meetings, reading, videos, etc.