Prepare for the appointment

You’d be amazed how many people don’t make an appointment to discuss their incontinence with a healthcare professional because they are worried about what it will involve. We want you to feel as relaxed as possible, so we’ve put together a list of handy tips below:

Tip 1

Get comfortable

You can refer to urinary incontinence as UI and faecal incontinence as FI, if it’s easier for you to say. Your healthcare professional should be aware what this means.

Tip 2

Summarise your situation

Your downloadable personal assessment is a useful tool to bring along to the appointment. It can sum up your symptoms, remind you of your details, and can even be shared directly with your healthcare professional.

Tip 3

Track your habits

Keep a record of your bladder and bowel movements for a few days before the appointment. Write down what you eat and drink and how often you go to the bathroom. Sharing this information with your healthcare professional can help them to better understand your symptoms. You can find an example here.

Tip 4

Think ahead

Before the appointment, spend some time thinking about any questions that you may have. If you’ve already filled this out in the personal assessment, then you’re ahead of the game!

Tip 5

Know what to expect

Your healthcare professional will most likely perform a physical examination of your abdomen, genitals and/or bottom (rectum). They may also ask you to do a simple test (e.g. coughing or providing a urine/stool sample). If they need further information, they will refer you to a specialist for additional testing.

Tip 6

Find help close by

If you need help finding your nearest healthcare professional or treatment centre, you can click here