I’m worried about my diet
What you eat or drink have a huge impact on incontinence. There are some general lifestyle habits that you can follow, but you may find it more useful to speak to a healthcare professional such as a family doctor or nutritionist.
Here are some dietary tips to keep in mind:

- Avoid caffeinated beverages and those that contain alcohol as these can increase the production of urine.
- Avoid foods and drinks with artificial sweeteners (e.g diet drinks), as these can irritate the bladder or the bowel.
- Drink the right amount of water per day (around 6 glasses). Some people try to limit their liquid intake, but this can actually make the problem worse by irritating the bladder or leading to constipation. The key is finding the right balance!
- Follow a diet high in dietary fibre, which can help to regulate bowel habits.

European Guidelines on Urinary Incontinence [Internet]. 2018 [cited 3 August 2020]. Available from: https://wfip.org/european-guidelines-on-urinary-incontinence/.