It’s difficult for me to have sex
Sex is an important part of life for many people. And in truth, no one wants the added worry of leaking when they have sex, whether it is with a new partner, or someone they have been with long-term. You may even find yourself refusing sex or anxiously rushing through it, if you are concerned about what might happen during the act. Of course, this can severely affect your self-confidence and can make you feel unattractive or undesirable.
The important thing is not to blame yourself, and not to withdraw from your partner as a result. If you feel confident enough, you should try to share your worries. Remember – your healthcare professional can help you find a treatment that can improve your confidence and sex life!
Here are some key tips to remember:
- Avoid incontinence triggering foods and drinks a few hours before you have sex.
- Don’t drink too much liquid before having sex.
- Go to the bathroom, wait a few minutes, then try again to ensure you have fully emptied your bladder or bowel.
- Put down a protective sheet under your bedding to help you feel relaxed if there is an incident.
- Try different positions that put less stress on your bladder or bowel.
- Practice exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Many people finds this makes sex more satisfying.
- Be open and honest! Talk your partner, a close friend, or a healthcare professional. Incontinence is not a disease, and it does not have to be dealt with on your own.
Tips to keep incontinence from interfering with your sex life [Internet]. 2020[cited 3 August 2020]. Available from:
5 tips on managing urinary incontinence during sex[Internet]. 2019[cited 3 August 2020]. Available from: