The 10 Facts You Need to Know About Caring for Someone with Stress Incontinence

The term ‘stress incontinence’ actually refers to the extra pressure that is put on the bladder or bowel during certain activities. Find a calm place, take a deep breath, and keep reading to discover the top 10 facts that any carer needs to know.

If you care for someone with ‘stress incontinence’, you might think the condition was named after how stress impacts your life – and we wouldn’t blame you for it! It’s true that incontinence in all its forms can cause tension for sufferers as well as for the family and friends who care for them. However, the term ‘stress incontinence’ actually refers to the extra pressure that is put on the bladder or bowel during certain activities. For example, some people find that they leak urine when they exercise, cough, sneeze, lift a heavy object, or bend over.

Now that we’ve got the definition out of the way, it’s time to look at how we can take the ‘stress’ out of ‘stress incontinence’. We thought there was no better moment to turn the spotlight on those who live with or look after someone suffering from incontinence. Find a calm place, take a deep breath, and keep reading to discover the top 10 facts that any carer needs to know:

Support_In_Continence_Infographics_Incontinence Tips for Carers

Of course, there is lots more information on stress incontinence and caring for someone with incontinence on go and explore!

Before we go, we’d like to thank all the carers around the world for the amazing work they do each and every day. Try to take a moment this International Caregivers Day to find some time to relax, relieve some stress and do something just for you – you deserve it.



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